Tuesday, July 26, 2011

CM Punk - The Cult of Personality

CM Punk returns with the WWE Championship.
Many people within the wrestling industry have claimed they can "change" the business, but very few actually succeed in that attempt.  In 2011, there seems to be only one person who has been able to do it.

His name?  CM Punk.

Whatever his current status is with the WWE, it was clearly made irrelevant on the July 25, 2011 edition of Monday Night Raw.  After the new WWE Champion was crowned in Rey Mysterio, the title was immediately put up for grabs against John Cena.  Cena, the perennial champion of the WWE, defeated Mysterio in a solid Main Event to reclaim the championship he lost to CM Punk less a month prior.  After the celebration ensued in the ring, something very different happened on Raw.

"Cult of Personality" by Living Colour began to play.  Normally, in the WWE, mainstream music does not make the air.  However, anything involving CM Punk in 2011 seems to break all the preconceived "rules" the company has.

Punk came out to a massive pop from the crowd and stared eye to eye with John Cena.  Both held up their respective WWE Championship belts, with CM Punk receiving a louder ovation than the WWE's top star.  After the show went off the air, Punk spoke to the live audience.

"I'm back!", proclaimed Punk.

One could ask, what does this mean going forward?  No doubt that an improbable SummerSlam match between Cena and Punk will take place to determine who the "real" champion is.  The real question is, will the WWE continue allowing the talent to go in this direction? 

So what of the real mainstream music, the live microphones with real life issues, and a sense of unpredictability that has been non-existent for quite some time? 

CM Punk has literally changed the "game".  Let's hope it continues.

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