Hello all! (All two of you, that is!) Welcome to WrestleRealm. The purpose for this endeavour is very simple. This piece of blogging space is for the real and true wrestling fans out there. As you may know, there are various websites on the Internet dedicated to this great business/sport/brand/form of entertainment. I for one, am not interested in websites that post ridiculous and outright crude viewpoints on a personal passion of mine. Also, I am not interested in websites devoted to wrestling that portray themselves as "saviours" to Internet "marks" while being Anti-Semitic and perverted. What I truly love about wrestling is that the fans are what drives the business. The REAL fans who know what's going on and do not bury the business (and themselves) on every occasion. I hope you enjoy this site and feedback as always is appreciated.
If you're serious about pro-wrestling, I welcome you to aboard. As well, if you are serious and would like an ad on this site, feel free to contact me.
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