Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hogan's Fallout Continues

In response to our blog post yesterday, ( The Hogan Effect - 2011 ) more news has came out regarding the title change plans from the Bound For Glory Pay Per View last weekend;

Hulk Hogan posted the following on his Twitter ( @HulkHogan ) this morning:

"Goodmorning HULKAMANIACS,can't wait for all the Rood fans that turned to haters to see the big picture,thank God we still have real marks HH"

Meanwhile, former WCW President Eric Bischoff also posted the following on his Twitter ( @EBischoff  ) this morning:

"Having a blast watching Internet marks react. Candy from a baby!"

Now while both Hogan and Bischoff seem to be into fooling "Internet marks" and supporting "real marks", most know that Impact Wrestling has always been a "smart" wrestling crowd of fans who are more "in-the-know" than the average fan.  Hogan and Bischoff however feel as though they have an edge over wrestling "marks".

This is nothing new to most hardcore fans.  Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff at one point booked several angles to mess with their fan base and try to make them second guess what is real and what isn't.

Looking into this further, both Hogan and Bischoff are now trying to convince wrestling fans that this was the plan all along.  If you think logically about this, why would two men with years of success in professional wrestling have to justify to a bunch of "Internet marks" why Bobby Roode did not win the World Championship and have another wrestler pull off the upset on free television?  Why push one wrestler to the moon, promote them heavily on your show to win the championship and have a supporting player capture the title?  Again, on free television with little promotion?

Again, much of this may be speculation.  Maybe Impact Wrestling spent a lot of money on promotional pieces for Bobby Roode only to have him "miss" the championship this time and then capture it from an "on-screen" friend.  (Again, please see the RSS feeds on our side bar for spoilers) 

Also, maybe it's speculation that Impact Wrestling decided to have one of the greatest wrestlers of all time in Kurt Angle not "put over" the up-and-coming star and help launch a main event career.

Then again, maybe and Hogan and Bischoff just want the vast majority of the "Internet marks" to debate this topic to get them to view the next few episodes of Impact Wrestling and create interest in the product.

Somehow, the latter doesn't seem likely.  But, this is the Internet and "Hogan Knows Best".

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