Monday, January 9, 2012

Chris Jericho - A true professional in Professional Wrestling

No matter what the opinion of the IWC (Internet Wresting Community) is, Chris Jericho is a true genius in the art of Professional Wrestling.

After weeks of the "End of the World" segments that aired on television, Jericho returned on the January 2nd edition of WWE Raw.  With a classic Jericho entrance and throwback look (the light up jacket was amusing), Jericho fired up the crowd like he had never left the ring.

He then continued to fire up the crowd, again and again.  Followed by him leaving the scene a few moments later, all without saying a word.

For those who have followed Jericho's career from Smokey Mountain Wrestling, Extreme Championship Wrestling, World Championship Wrestling, and the WWE, know that one of the main skills in Jericho's vast skill set is his ability to talk fans into the seats.  A mere promo by Jericho as a face or a heel is enough to garner a huge reaction from any set of fans all over the world.

Jericho proved to the world on this occasion that he can reinvent himself.  He had done similar in 2007 when the fans did not take to his new short hair look.  By taking away everything that people liked about him he made himself one of the business' best heels during a two year span.  So much so that he has been one of the most missed superstars since his departure in 2010.

Many of the fans who flock to Internet forums did not understand Jericho's latest return.  There were complaints that it made no sense and that it served no purpose.  A vast majority of the fans have not been able to wrap their heads around the fact that Jericho spent five minutes on camera without doing much of anything.

If you look closely though, this made a lot of sense and is one of the most interesting returns in recent history.

Jericho used body language to captivate the audience.  He had an entire arena cheering everything he did.  For those few precious moments, they ate out of his hand.  They could not get enough of his antics.  With little subtle movements, he had some fans turning against himself upon his exit.  Many fans wondered why he had showed up at all.

That is the art of Professional Wrestling.  Leave them wanting more. 

Fans WILL tune in to the January 9th edition just to see why Jericho has returned and if he will speak into the microphone.  Fans WILL tune in to find out who "she" is that holds the "key" to his return as the the return vignettes indicated. 

The truth is, if true wrestling fans aren't intrigued by this return, they more than likely never were true fans in the first place.

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