Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ryback - What will the fans "feed" him for his match against John Cena?

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Face it, Ryback is a huge star in the current landscape of the WWE and there are no arguments to state otherwise.

The man is an enormous physical specimen and surprisingly has a sense of personal charisma that has captivated the audience to chant "Feed Me More" when he himself chants it in the ring.  

With all the negative remarks from the internet such as being unfairly labelled a "Goldberg" clone (IWC fans strike again!) and using tights that resemble Rob Van Dam, Ryback has managed to navigate the mine fields and will now face John Cena for the WWE Championship on May 19th at the Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View emanating from St. Louis, Missouri.

There may be one problem here with this match….Ryback's current persona.

More than likely, the WWE sensed that a face versus face match may really turn the crowd against their top money maker in John Cena.  In desperate need for new challengers for Cena, Ryback now has the opportunity to face "The Champ", but is doing so with a villainous persona.  

This can go one of two ways.

Ryback will either really cement himself as the new villain of the WWE or the fans will turn even more on Cena and Ryback will become even more popular due to turning on his one-time "friend".

Expect the latter for two reasons.  Cena is incredibly over with the child fan base, but has incredible difficulty reaching a larger adult male demographic.  As well, Ryback has been incredibly popular for several months now the cheers on a live pay-per-view will more than likely eclipse that of Cena's when they finally square-off.

Expect the fans to "feed" into Ryback as they force the WWE for the new star they have been waiting for.

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